Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Healthy Diet, Is it possible?

Is a slender beautiful body! This paradigm is happening not only at the majority of women, but also men. For that reason many women, either with their own wants and because demand for the man she loved-a diet to get the body posture is considered ideal. Reduce the amount of food, slimming drugs, all done liposuction. Until some of them said, "beautiful is pain."

And how did it go? Instead of being thin, body became thin and ill, or even something more stretchy.
It is important to note that the diet is not just to get the ideal posture. Diet is a set pattern of eating to maintain health. This is an ideal posture is one feature of a healthy body. Body that is too thin or too fat body are both risk factors of disease.
Ideal Posture
Posture can be measured by body mass index (BMI), namely:
BMI = BB (kg) / TB x TB (m)
Normal BMI is between 18-25. Someone said to thin when the BMI is less than 18 and obese if the BMI of more than 25. When BMI more than 30, people are suffering from obesity and the need to watch out for obesity usually accompanies other diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hiperkolesterol and other metabolic disorders.
Examples of women with weight = 58 kg and height (TB) = 161 cm = 1.61 m.
BMI = 58 / 1.61 x 1.61 = 22.37 (normal)
To find your ideal weight, can be used Brocca following formula:
Ideal BB = (TB - 100) - 10% (TB - 100)
Allowed threshold is 10%. When more than 10% then including obesity and if the above 20% then it happened obesity.
Example: a woman with TB = 161 cm, bb = 58 kg
BB ideal = (161 - 100) - 10% (161 - 100) = 61 to 6.1 = 54.9 (55 kg) BB is still in the 58 kg limit of 10%.
Basic Conditions Healthy Diet
Term 1: No get rid of certain food groups
Many people on a diet by eliminating certain foods that are considered as enemies of the diet. Though the body still needs the balance of nutrients even when dieting. Both carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, water and oxygen is very important for the body.
Term 2: Keep watching your body needs for protein and fat
The body needs 30 grams of protein a day. Protein used by the body for the formation and growth of body cells. Nothing wrong with eating meat, dairy, grains and nuts for moderation.
Consider the amount of fat needed by the body, which is 50 grams a day. Not all fats are bad. In addition, many nutrients can be absorbed when dissolved in body fat.
Term 3: Eat only when hungry
Diet Tips for Success In
Basically, the diet is to choose the food you eat, changing attitudes toward food and limit the amount of food. Here are tips on success in the diet:

1. Enjoy the food and chew foods until smooth and make sure no food bribes after previously ingested food.
2. Eat with family or friends as she chatted to make us eat food slowly. This will make the body has time to process the food to the fullest.
3. Do not eat while doing something else, like watching because this situation will make us tend to increase the amount of food.
4. The main principle is to limit the amount of dietary calories into the body so that calories encouraged to utilize reserves in the body. The body can function well with 1200-1500 calories.
5. Avoid foods that contain lots of saturated fats such as coconut milk, organ meats and fried foods and multiply unsaturated fat consumption such as fish, olive oil, peanuts, soybeans and avocado.
6. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Because in addition to filling, and makes no sooner hungry, fruits and vegetables can expedite the disposal process and boost immunity.
7. Eating is a big lunch, not dinner.
8. Avoid snacking. If it is difficult, change snacks eaten between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and dinner with a fruit or vegetable.
9. Regular exercise will burn calories and optimize the body's metabolism.
10. Augment drinking water.
11. Slimming drugs and liposuction does not help to get healthy posture and ideal for not coupled with a good diet. Use the slimming drugs or liposuction at obesity condition is dangerous for the health body and to do according to the doctor's instructions. Because drug liposuction slimming and have many side effects to the body.
Diet One: Body Gives Signals

1. If needs are not adequate carbohydrates, perceived symptoms are nausea, headache and digestive disorders that lead to bad breath.
2. Easily tired, listless and lackluster can occur if the lack of fat and animal protein.
3. Frequent urination and huge as a slimming drug effects can be harmful to the body because of the nutrients into the body will decrease.
How When Tempted?

1. Trust the stomach. Before interest and eat food, ask once in the stomach if she was hungry. If not, then immediately stop.
2. Food is often used as an escape during stress. If stress makes the excessive consumption of food, stop and do other activities that make the body comfortable and relaxed.
3. Cubitlah point functioning nerves control your appetite. It lies in the area of cartilage, where the jaw attached just below the ear leaf.
4. Make your room smell with air freshener or scented candles. The smell of banana, peppermint and apple contain proven appetite.

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