Senin, 15 Februari 2010

Lose Weight with a Healthy Diet

It was good to meet old friends while in college days, well turned out a lot of my friends who changed stature became larger and had more advanced stomach. Parents often judge earlier times when Grease was prosperous / happy. Nowadays, the opinion was slowly eroded by the amount of experience and medical studies that describe the effect of body fat.
I did not have body fat, my height of about 182cm and now weigh around 76, but my desire is high enough to maintain my body weight in the ideal state, one with dieting. For nearly 3 years I always limit my intake of food consumption, and the result was amazing, was also 3 years I did not get sick like the flu or other illnesses. Diet Failure Causes
Main Penyabab failure diet is a diet that is all of a sudden because I wanted to get results quickly, or known as the Crash Diet. Reduce drastically eating, excessive exercise, to eliminate lunch / dinner, will certainly make ourselves tormented by hunger, or even get sick. My Diet Experiences
Diet should not be done in a hurry, but more to the long-term goals, according to my experience the first thing to consider is eating or appetite control. As Sunnah Rasul, Stop eating before you could eat a lot of benefits from this Sunnah, and it was very delicious meal when a sufficient portion; not make abdominal pain, do not make sleepiness, and performance during working hours did not decrease. Menu and Meals
A healthy diet, should not eliminate a meal. Breakfast, lunch and afternoon, is still being done. In the morning, a small piece of bread, oatmeal, or cereal is enough for me to start the day. Try not to eat foods that contain too much oil as fries.
Lunch, 1 / 4 or 1 / 2 servings of rice and vegetables is enough for me. Before eating and after that, drink water first, or a piece of fresh fruit, even this Sunnah: D, according to studies, drinking or eating fruit before meals, will inhibit the absorption of cholesterol into the blood, and would "glut" of our stomachs that do not overeat.
Dinner, I do around 5 pm to 7 pm, I prefer to eat vegetables at dinner. Avoid sleeping with full stomach condition / management, because it could result in less good. Healthy Diet
One large when most of us think that applies only to diet to lose weight, it is the main purpose of the diet is to achieve a fit body and healthy. According to the saying "You are what you eat". If your primary goal for a healthy diet, you will be willing to eat foods that are less good:) (he.. He .. he.) Compared with good food that often hide the negative things behind him ... Of course, the Black Pepper Steak dish will taste very good when compared with a bowl of salad: D. Next Target Diet
Control your appetite I seem to have achieved:) time for the next target targeted, it was a few months I reduce the portion of food / beverage derived from animal, either directly or processed foods. Not completely vegetarian, but headed that way ... Sometimes I still eat red meat (beef cattle) or white meat (Chicken / Fish), but with a very small portion and rare.
I am writing above is only intended to share experiences, I am not a nutritionist or a doctor, just someone who tries to live healthy, from what we eat.

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